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Japanese researchers try to use the "Chopsticks" 3D Print
Release Time:2017-03-11   Source:admin   Read:545

Recently, Japanese researchers Hironori Yoshida and his colleagues at Siggraph2015 conference held in Los Angeles presented a paper entitled "Building scale artificial increase material manufacturing (Architecture-Scale Human-Assisted Additive Manufacturing)" a paper describing the How 3D printing used in construction, to how to use a new material and a new way of 3D print larger objects. This new material is similar to the shape of wooden chopsticks bar (for ease of call, we will be known as chopsticks below) and glue.

Obviously, such a special 3D printing materials, print mode and certainly different. According to Yoshida called this printing method use more manpower auxiliary functions, in particular the "Chopsticks" 3D printing system has the following characteristics:

The new material - chopsticks
A complex distribution device chopsticks
On the larger effective 3D printing
Computer software to monitor the whole process guidance

In explaining why the use of "Chopsticks" as the material time, the researchers said, the material of choice to create a porous structure by polymerization approach. "And it is easy to store upright shape and logistics." Yoshida and his team said.
By using two different ways - congestion aggregation (jammed aggregation) and hierarchical clustering (stratified aggregation), the research team proposed an innovative approach to 3D printing architectural upgrade to a larger size. These two methods, although aspects of research and testing in order from the different names, but all use the glue and an innovative device also has to distribute the delivery rows of chopsticks.

By using congestion style gathering in the 3D printing process, the researchers obtained greater surprise. Because chopsticks at configuration time is a vertical drop, so the build process faster and easier. When building the sloping wall, they used methods into and tilt. Heavenly agency understood that, although this approach was successful, but the quality is also good, but the use of hierarchical clustering of 3D printing, but requires more maintenance, forcing them to seek more accurate technology.

"These materials are relatively uniform access to the assessed value of the compression and bending tests." The research team reported. But taking into account further exploration of chopsticks delivery system, new things become more complicated. This delivery system comprising:

The bundle of chopsticks dropped into the distributor;
These sticks and glue together through rollers deposition
Glue is applied to the wood glue roller
3D printing operator can control the angle of delivery chopsticks

By blowing system, turbo blower and 20 m long hose to manipulate "Chopsticks" into a vacuum, where they will be fed into a vortex, and then make the appropriate treatment.
In these "chopsticks" in 3D printing at the same time, the researchers also used to build schedule includes a depth camera to monitor objects, including 3D scanning, and with the expected result or target shape were compared to assess the current structure of 3D printing has reached standard, this method allows researchers to determine the shape it creates is "adequate, inadequate or excessive," and make the necessary changes.

Since then, researchers also need a calibration system to print out the entire 3D structure chopsticks make an appropriate adjustment, calibration, and create a solid foundation. After two to three weeks, using chopsticks to create a 3D printing building is completed, it looks like a humble cottages. But these are not important, it is important that researchers have provided us with a new idea of ??3D printing large building.

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