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3D printing or in the field of high-end manufacturing indust
Release Time:2017-03-11   Source:admin   Read:596
Currently, the "Internet +" strategy is showing Fujian, etc., we have launched numerous industry-related net programs. And in the Industry 4.0 driven and networking, cloud computing, robotics, 3D printing can be integrated development, has become the key to high-end equipment manufacturing industry, is expected to usher in the explosive growth. From agencies layout, the number of public and private funds have been ahead of the layout related stocks.
3D printing will bring a true revolution in manufacturing
Greatly reduces the complexity of the design and manufacture of precision design and manufacturing through the traditional process can not be processed singular structure, and have a low cost, short production cycle and other obvious advantages, especially for high-end power equipment, aerospace, automotive, medical equipment and other products on key parts manufacturing. It has begun to shift industrial applications from R & D stage.
In the opinion of institutional investors, 3D printing will bring real manufacturing revolution. Hai Tong Securities believes that the last round of industrial revolution, manufacturing mainly reduced by mass production assembly line manufacturing and intensive production costs and achieve economies of scale, 3D printing will make manufacturing industrial organization and supply chain re-build, let Manufacturers and consumers into one, resulting subversive reconstruction manufacturing, endless innovation. And driven by market demand, favorable policies and promote technological innovation to support multiple, 3D printing industry will accelerate into the growth stage.
From the perspective of policy support, this year on February 28, the Ministry of Finance and other ministries issued a national plan to promote the development of 3D printing, put forward in 2016, initially established relatively complete industrial system sales revenue to achieve rapid growth, an average annual growth more than 30 percent rate, the overall level of technology and international synchronized. "3D printing - the third industrial revolution, the engine," a book author, the Ministry of Finance Tax Policy Department Dr. Li Xuhong said, 3D printing integration of new information technologies, intelligent manufacturing and materials technology, will revolutionize the way manufacturing and industry, as well as productive forces and production relations, the Chinese manufacturing plant for the world, there is of great strategic significance, with 3D printing technology, China's manufacturing industry is expected to take the initiative in the field of high-end manufacturing.
From the market space, the 2013 3D printing industry output value of 2 billion yuan. A number of brokerage research reports expected over the next 3-5 years will be the rapid development of 3D printing technology, industry output this year is expected to reach 80-100 billion by 2016 is expected to reach ten billion yuan, an average annual growth rate of the overall industry The up to 30%.
Printing from the civilian market, the powerful market-driven forces, mainly the civilian level printing threshold at the technical level has been greatly reduced, the design process, forming processes and raw materials these three elements in the civilian market is already quite mature, plus the price of printing equipment and supplies significantly reduced, thereby opening a huge market space.
In the industry view, with print speeds increase, the new print materials put into use, and the use of new manufacturing methods, the industry will continue to maintain rapid growth. Wherein the aerospace, automotive, pharmaceutical and other strong growth companies from foreign giants layout situation, GM, BMW, Boeing and other high-end manufacturing giants are beginning to invest heavily in research 3D printing.
Under the "Internet +" strategy, driven, 3D printing with networking technology, cloud computing, big data, robots, and realized the integration of mold manufacturing, traditional areas of convergence object ceased to exist, so that high-end manufacturing become more to perfection, in the field of high-end manufacturing, medical equipment, which are a vast space, the future will be a key part of the field of high-end manufacturing industry 4.0.

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